On A Perfect Spring Day

by Lois Bryan
On A Perfect Spring Day
Lois Bryan
Digital Art - Digital Art / Loosely Based Photo Digitally Hand-painted
Casually draped over the arm of an old adirondack chair rests a be-ribboned pink sunbonnet. Beside it, as two curious goldfinches visit the scene, is a bouquet of colorful tulips tied up in a sky-blue bow.
Behind the chair a vintage garden gate, all that remains of the white picket fence that once encircled the yard, is covered with wildflowers and ivy. We agree it's the perfect decorative accent for the garden.
In the distance, the hills climb to the blue sky ... and we know that all is almost always right with the world on a perfect spring day.
A fun image loosely sketched of a sweet little lamp I gave my mom many, many years ago. Art to bring a smile to the heart ... for a cheerful sunroom, a child's bedroom, a sunny kitchen, a pediatrician's office or a cottage ... or ... wherever and whenever the child in all of us needs a smile.
Fine art purchases of this image will not include a watermark, and if I may make a recommendation ... this image will look its very best on the fine art paper choice of "picture rag."
January 11th, 2018
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Comments (29)

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #14 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.....L/F/Tw

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

Sharon Eng
I'm sure there are many people out there looking forward to when this beautiful scene becomes reality. Beautiful painting.

Tina LeCour
What a beautiful painting Lois, love your variety of textures and the lovely spring feeling to this!! LF

Beve Brown-Clark Photography
Lovely work. Ready for some colorful springtime.
Lois Bryan replied:
Thank you, Beve ... I know you're having a heck of a winter!!!! Don't worry ... it will be springtime again eventually!!!!!

Pennie McCracken
This is so beautiful Lois, lovely image for a child's room for sure and will definitely put a smile on anyone's face. l.f.twt.

Donna Kennedy
Such a beautiful spring/summer image Lois, I love everything about this cheerful work of art!!! Excellent as always!!...F/L/T

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations on being chosen for the big Feature, Elvis Pick of the Week, Your artwork was chosen to be FEATURED in this HOT spot on our homepage for this week. A truly lovely piece of artwork for all the world to view and enjoy. Thanks much for sharing! Randy “Elvis” Rosenberger Administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group
Lois Bryan replied:
Randy ... I'm beyond honored ... thank you so very much for this wonderful honor!!!! I hope you know how much I truly appreciate you and all you do for us!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!

James Temple
Lois, thank goodness for perfect spring days, it's nice that some of us remember how it was and could be.
Lois Bryan replied:
James, thank you so so much!!!! Yes, winter can be a bit of a bummer ... but maybe that's what makes spring such a joy ... it's there ... right around the corner!!!! We'll get there!!!!!!