Raising The Alarm

by Lois Bryan
Raising The Alarm
Lois Bryan
Digital Art - Digital Art / Photography Based Digital Hand Painting
A rooster with vibrant red comb stands against a softly blended green background, its plumage featuring contrasting dark and light hues. The scene conveys a sense of calm and rustic simplicity.
Over his shoulder in the distance we can just baarely see the sun rising through the summer mists, which will soon burn off. It's going to be a busy day in the barnyard.
Interestingly, I've recently learned that roosters do much more than crow as the sun rises. His job is to keep watch for predators, both from the ground and above. If a hawk is nearby and tries to swoop in, a good rooster will go to the defense of his flock and scare the hawk away or even do battle. The rooster's job is also to locate the choicest morsels of food and alert his lady-friends to its location. He'll stand guard while their little heads are pecking away in the grass. He's also good at breaking up squabbles between the hens themselves, keeping peace in his little community.
Loosely based on my own photo and digitally hand painted in Corel Painter 2023 using the Wacom tablet and art pen stylus. No artificial intelligence programs used.
Fine art as well as product purchases of this image will not include a watermark, and if I may make a recommendation ... your wall art will look its very best on the fine art paper choice of "picture rag."
January 28th, 2025
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Comments (17)

Michelle Tinger 9 Days Ago
Wonderful artwork. Nominating for a special feature the the 1000 Views group.

Jenny Revitz Soper 10 Days Ago
BRAVO! Your artwork has been featured on The Artists Group homepage in January 2025! Thank you for your contribution to the group, and we look forward to seeing more of your stunning artwork in the future. LF

Christopher James 10 Days Ago
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #30 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F/Tw

Diana Mary Sharpton 11 Days Ago
Nominating this splendid rooster artwork for special feature on the 1000 view group...LFX

Gary F Richards 11 Days Ago
Magnificent Raising The Alarm capture, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! Congratulations on your well deserved Features! F/L

Christopher James 11 Days Ago
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p
Lois Bryan replied:
Thanks Christopher ... I tweeted the group and added the image to the discussion thread!

Gary F Richards 13 Days Ago
Outstanding Raising The Alarm composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! Congratulations on your very deserving features! F/L

Laurel Adams 14 Days Ago
Lois, CONGRATULATIONS!! - YOU are awarded: A SPECIAL 🎨🐝🏆GA FEATURE ARTIST of DISTINCTION 🥁👏🏻. Please feel free to post your Special Feature, selected for its 'Digital Dazzle' in the ARTIST BUZzz GROUP Features and ⭐️SPECIAL 🎨FEATUREs 🏆2025 Archive Thread! BRAVO!
Lois Bryan replied:
Thanks so much, Laurel ... I have added the image to the discussion, with my happy thanks for the wonderful honor!!

Laurel Adams 15 Days Ago
CONGRATULATIONS!! Your lovely image has been featured in The ARTIST BUZzz GROUP!! You are cordially invited to POST your Homepage Feature’s EMBED link to the ⭐️2025 Features Archive Thread in the Discussion thread. Thank you for your glimpse of BEAUTY.
Lois Bryan replied:
Laurel thank you so very much ... I have added the image and tweeted the group!!

David Neace CPX 16 Days Ago
Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Created by Southern Artists
Lois Bryan replied:
David thanks so much!! i have tweeted the group and added the image to the discussion!

Brian Commerford 16 Days Ago
Lois, You've done really well conveying the attitude of this rooster! He's an original individual , not generic !