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Bird Sticker featuring the photograph Thinking of Spring by Lois Bryan

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Thinking of Spring Sticker

Lois Bryan

by Lois Bryan



Background Color

Image Size


Background Color

R(208) G(179) B(111)

Product Details

Accessorize your life with unique stickers from an independent artist!   Our vinyl stickers are available in four different sizes and are kiss-cut to create a 1/8" border around the perimeter of the design.   Each sticker has an adhesive backing with plenty of stickiness to cling to any smooth surface while still being easy to remove.

Design Details


This sweet little black capped chickadee may be the very one who ate a... more

Care Instructions

Stickers should be applied to clean, smooth surfaces at room temperature.

Ships Within

2 - 3 business days

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Sticker Tags

stickers bird stickers chickadee stickers spring stickers tree stickers wild bird stickers ontario stickers canada stickers ontario canada stickers april stickers bokeh stickers

Photograph Tags

wall art photographs bird photos chickadee photos spring photos tree photos wild bird photos ontario photos canada photos ontario canada photos april photos bokeh photos

Comments (49)

John R Williams

John R Williams

You blow me away with your work absolutely stunning, the processing, best I have ever seen...

Mary Timman

Mary Timman

Congratulations's so beautiful!

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Gorgeous bird and nature photo!

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Gorgeous bird and nature photo!

Phyllis Kaltenbach

Phyllis Kaltenbach

Congratulations, Your wonderful Image has been Featured on "Fuzzy, Warm & Soft"!

Hartmut Jager

Hartmut Jager

So sweet, so lovely, so perfect in light, color and composition. Marvelous. :-)

Caitlyn Grasso

Caitlyn Grasso

Beautiful capture and processing! L/F

Guido Strambio

Guido Strambio

Very nice capture, gorgeous depth and light, excellent treatment l/f

Don Columbus

Don Columbus

Congratulations Lois, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings"!

Inese Poga

Inese Poga

Love birds, and this is a very successful picture, great artwork!

Marina Kojukhova

Marina Kojukhova

Beautiful work Lois, A lovely soft photograph. Lf

Jan Matson

Jan Matson

An absolutely gorgeous little chickadee, love it! l/f

Kym Clarke

Kym Clarke

I just adore this, wonderful colour and that light is beautiful

Lois Bryan replied:

Kym, thank you!!

Amy Weiss

Amy Weiss

Ohhhh how delightful this is! Beautiful work, Lois. Chickadees are one of my all time favorite birds, and I sure do miss them down under. Always a pleasure browsing through your portfolio! :) f/v

Lois Bryan replied:

Amy, so glad you found this one, then ... yes, the chickadees are personality plus guys, aren't they? Sorry you don't have them "down under" ... I'd send some of these cheerful little guys your way if I could!!!

Angela Rath

Angela Rath

Such a cute little scene. Sweet and innocent subject, beautiful composition, amazing bokeh! Your portfolio is amazing!

Lois Bryan replied:

Angela, you have me blushing!!! Thank you so very much for your visit and lovely, kind messages!!!! Truly appreciated!!!

Cristi Galvan

Cristi Galvan

I like much the photography is espectácular; very well the setting, excellent retouch... Him there gives The texture sorceress a touch, thank you very much!

Lois Bryan replied:

Cristi, thank you for your lovely note!!!!! I appreciate it very much!!!

Sweet Moments Photography

Sweet Moments Photography

Very cute!

Lois Bryan replied:

Thank you!!!

Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

Ann, thank you again for the feature in "Beautiful Bokeh"!!!!! YAY!!!

Patricia Pushaw

Patricia Pushaw

Awww, just my subject matter. Your photography is amazing! It is soooo difficult to capture birds on film.

Lois Bryan replied:

Thank you so much Patricia ... this was taken out in a forest in Canada ... but I have feeders right outside the kitchen French doors on the deck, so I'm constantly snooping on them, especially when the light is good!!!!

Teresa Zieba

Teresa Zieba

It's sweet and adorable Lois. Beautifully captured. f/v

Lois Bryan replied:

thank you, sweetie!!!!

Theresa Tahara

Theresa Tahara

Lois, absolutley love this. Perfect bokeh and Chickadees are one of my favorites. They talk to me whenever I am out in my garden. So sweet. f/v ;-)

Lois Bryan replied:

Thank you so much, Theresa, mine talk to me too!!! In fact, when I go out in the mornings with the seeds, I call them!!! They're starting to come to me!!!!

Oiyee  At Oystudio

Oiyee At Oystudio

Such an adorable cutie, such a great shot!

Lois Bryan replied:

thank you so much!!!! They are so very dear ... and the chickadees in this area are so used to people that they'll fly right to you and eat the seeds right out of your hand!!!!!

Madalena Lobao-Tello

Madalena Lobao-Tello

Featured on Female Artists - Creative Women! Congratulations! Great work, love how you have done this!!! Voted

Lois Bryan replied:

A very late thank you, Madalena!!!! Truly appreciated, though!!!! Sometimes when I see a lovely bit of news like this, it comes at just the right moment!!! Thank you!!!

Artist's Description


This sweet little black capped chickadee may be the very one who ate a sunflower seed from the top of my head!!! I visited friends in Ontario Canada last year, and we walked through the most magic forest lane at Presq�uile Park. The chickadees have been trained to know that humans will bring them seeds � and if it means landing on some goofy lady�s head to get it, then that�s what they�ll do!!! This image was shot just after I had that experience. : ))

Image taken on April 23, 2010 with the Nikon D300 and the 150-500mm Sigma OS lens, at 500mm focal distance. Shutter speed was at 1/500, aperture f/8.0, exposure -0.33, iso 1600, spot metering.

There was much tweaking and twiddling in various software programs, most notably Photoshop CS4, Corel Paint 11 and Capture NX2.

My thanks to Florabella, Flypaper Textures and Jerry Jones of Flickr for the textures.

About Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

Welcome! I"m a photographer and digital artist living in the Mid-Atlantic area of the US. Drawing and creating my own little sketchy worlds are some of my earliest memories. Life did what it does and the art fell away, but I reconnected when digital photography was introduced. I enjoy adding to my love of photography by tinkering with computer art programs including Photoshop, Corel Painter, Rebelle and others , though I do not use Ai / Artificial Intelligence. I also love working completely freehand with no photo reference involved. All of which is allowing me to circle back to a semblance of my days of sketching and painting traditionally. Please be aware that we are currently experiencing a glitch in our system. The images in...

