The Sweet Simple Things

by Lois Bryan
The Sweet Simple Things
Lois Bryan
Photograph - Photography
A single wild daisy basks in a hint of diffused light filtering through the trees above. Found on a ramble through the forests on top of Blue Knob Mountain, PA, in late summer 2023, the tiny beauty seems to glow with hope … with expectations … with sweetness.
As Laura Ingalls Wilder said, it is the sweet, simple things of life that are the real ones, after all.
The daisy is said to symbolize purity, innocence, new beginnings, joy and cheerfulness.
Fine art and product purchases of this image will not include a watermark, and if I may make a recommendation ... wall art will look its very best on the fine art paper choice of "picture rag."
Image captured with the Nikon D7000 and the Nkkor 105mm f/2.8. Not created using Artificial Intelligence.
February 23rd, 2024
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Comments (20)

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations for your feature on the home page the ABC Group from our themed week W IS WILDFLOWERS, MARCH 11, 2024 to MARCH 18, 2024

Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, on your amazing floral image, Featured, in BIRTH MONTH FLOWERS, homepage group, of Fine Art America, for the month, of April, 2024!

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… FLORAL DELIGHT IN PHOTOGRAPHY! F/L

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Sweet Simple Things composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted

Al Bourassa
Love the use of DOF here. LF
Lois Bryan replied:
Thank you so much, Al!!!! It was a toughie, sort of shooting from the hip that day!!!

Stuart Harrison
Oh my goodness Lois! What an extraordinary, but simple, flower image this is.......wonderful work!
Lois Bryan replied:
Dear Stuart … thank you so much … I went on a walk with my son that afternoon … such a lovely day … more macros to come!! I don't do enough of it, and I enjoy them so much!!!! Thanks again!!!

NL Galbraith
I like how the flower seems to melt into the foggy background Lois, nice capture!
Lois Bryan replied:
thanks so much … I really enjoy fiddling with the macro lens and haven't been doing nearly enough of it recently!!! Glad you enjoyed this one … more on the way!!!

Steve Rich
Your work deserves to be featured in our group "The Meandering Photographer" Please consider adding this work to the "Feature History, The Meandering Photographer (Jan-Feb 2024)" active discussion thread. (l/f on 2-23-2024)
Lois Bryan replied:
Steve thank you!!!! I will tweet the group and add the image to the discussion thread!!